Sunday, December 2, 2012

People's Impact on the Region

Esperance mallee is a scrub that is mostly used for agricultural reasons. “About one half of the land area of this ecoregion is currently used for agriculture” (Hogan). The sad thing is that government sponsored public work programs are funding agricultural projects in this region. They are providing food and jobs for the public, but in the mean time they are damaging the environment caused by farming and livestock grazing as well. Most of the ecoregion is privately owned in terms of agricultural use, however “over-irrigation, increased development, and habitat fragmentation” all pose serious threats to the environment as well ("Wildworld Ecoregion Profile").  As you can probably tell, the human impact on Esperance mallee in southwestern Australia is completely ugly because they have destroyed the original state of the ecosystem for their own needs and the animal species as well as the environment has suffered because of it.  

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